Friday, May 16, 2008

Carolina Chicadee

Carolina Chicadee
Originally uploaded by paynehollow
Indiana, I believe, is the northern edge of this bird's range, but they have been frequent visitors in the woods of the farm. As their name suggests, their song sounds a bit like "chick-a-dee, chick-a-dee."

Or so I'm told.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Brown-headed Cowbirds

Brownheaded Cowbirds
Originally uploaded by paynehollow
Fairly easy to mistake, at a glance, for a starling, with a closer look, you will notice the male has a brownish head and a blue-ish/black body.

Does anyone know if the gray bird in this photo is the female brown-headed cowbird? I assumed it was because I spot these together frequently, but it didn't really look like the pictures I've seen online of the female.

Cowbirds like to make their nests in already existing nests of other birds. I'm assuming the other birds don't like that much.

Redwing Blackbird

Redwing Blackbird
Originally uploaded by paynehollow
A very common bird in the countryside in this region. Often found near wetlands, they have been seen regularly at the farm.