Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Originally uploaded by paynehollow
I've seen these a good bit at the farm here lately (April/May). This one is hiding in the apple tree.

The catbird is in shades of gray and looks a bit like a mockingbird, but without the white bars on the wings. It actually has a sort of "meow"-y sounding song, at least at times. I don't know, but would suspect that would be the origin of the name.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Downy Woodpecker

Downy Woodpecker 2
Originally uploaded by paynehollow
Excerpts from The Downy Woodpecker, by John Burroughs

Downy came and dwelt with me,
Taught me hermit lore;
Drilled his cell in oaken tree
Near my cabin door.

Architect of his own home
In the forest dim,
Carving its inverted dome
In a dozy limb...

Waking up the frozen woods,
Shaking down the snows;
Many trees of many moods
Echo to his blows.

When the storms of winter rage,
Be it night or day,
Then I know my little page
Sleeps the time away...

We are neighbors well agreed
Of a common lot;
Peace and love our only creed
In this charm'd spot.

Scarlet Tanager

Scarlet Tanager
Originally uploaded by paynehollow
The Scarlet Tanager is a brilliant red bird with strikingly crisp black wings that is common in our region. However, they are rarely seen because, I'm told, they are a secretive bird that prefers to remain in the forest canopies.

Not unlike some of us, I suppose...

Eastern Towhee

Eastern Towhee
Originally uploaded by paynehollow
The Eastern Towhee looks a bit similar in shape and size to the Robin, but has a white breast with red sides and a black back.

I've seen these guys in the blackberry briars at the farm, which has made getting a photo pretty tricky. This photo was taken at Louisville Nature Preserve, which has a bird blind which helps tremendously in getting good photos...

Purple Finch

Purple Finch 2
Originally uploaded by paynehollow
A slightly better, if grainier, shot of a purple finch than the previous post...